Registered Charity No 294017
In 1985 Houghton and Wyton Pre-school Playgroup met for the first time, in a second hand portable cabin situated on the playing fields at the Houghton side of the villages of Houghton and Wyton in Cambridgeshire. We were only able to site our portable cabin on this land because of the generosity of the local Anderson family who own the playing fields. It is due to their kindness that our pre-school has been able thrive and grow over the last 30 happy years.
In October 2011, we moved in to our new premises on the Houghton Primary School campus. We have a new, purpose-built preschool with excellent indoor and outdoor facilities. We still maintain our independent status but are able to further cement the links that we have forged with the primary school and enhance the natural progression of our children from pre-school to primary school.
Houghton and Wyton Pre-school Playgroup is a member of the ‘Early Years Alliance’ and all of our children’s parents are regarded as pre-school members who have full participation rights. These include a right to be valued and respected, a right to be consulted and kept informed, and the right to be involved and included at all levels.
Membership of our pre-school also places a certain onus on parents to be able to offer the pre-school their support and commitment. As we are a voluntary managed pre-school, we depend on the good will of parents and their involvement is vital to keep the pre-school running. This is the basis of the’ mutuality’ that characterises a ‘Pre-school Learning Alliance’ member setting.
Please be aware that Houghton & Wyton Pre-school Playgroup is an independent Pre-school. We are also a registered charity.
We are based on the Houghton Primary School campus but we are not part of the school.
Admission to our Pre-school does not in any way increase a child’s chances of admission to Houghton Primary School.
Although a large number of our children do go on to attend the village primary school. We do, however, support all our children through the transition process to primary school whichever school they attend.